On Page SEO vs Technical SEO Detailed Comparison 2022


    On Page SEO vs Technical SEO: You SEO that will be very heard of Type On Page SEO, Technical SEO, Off-Page SEO, And Local SEO and the SEO of Broad was Divide next Category in 3 Partition of SEO which is White Hat SEO, Black Hat SEO, and Grey Hat is SEO.

    But today we are going to know about the difference between on page SEO vs technical SEO, many new bloggers get confused about this topic and they think that on page SEO vs technical SEO is the same thing.

    But there is a difference between these two because technical SEO has some different setup processes and on-page SEO goes through some different setup processes.

    So in today’s article, we are going to talk about what is the difference between on page SEO vs technical SEO.

    And which process comes under technical SEO and there are some things or processes that come under On Page SEO.

    Let’s start without any delay…

    On Page SEO vs Technical SEO

    1. Technical SEO:- Changes of Website Level i.e. the changes we do at Website Level or whatever method we optimize at Website Level is called Technical SEO.

    2. On-Page SEO: – When we optimize Individual Web Pages, that is, changes that will be implemented only on a particular Web Page.

    These changes will not have any connection to the entire website. Such Changes come under On-Page SEO.

    But many times we make some such changes which are at the level of the website i.e. if I have made anyone change then it will affect all the pages in our entire website.

    So when we make such changes from the point of view of Search Engine Optimization which can affect our entire website, such changes are called Technical SEO.

    But in On-Page SEO, we have discussed only one particular page that if we optimize any page then it will be implemented only on that particular page.

    Let us now know the processes of On Page SEO vs Technical SEO.

    1. Technical SEO – XML Sitemap

    If we add XML Sitemap for our site, then at what level do we add XML Sitemap in this case.

    Do we apply Sitemap for each page that we went to each particular page and added Sitemap?

    That doesn’t happen, does it?

    What do we use XML Sitemap for?

    For the entire website and its pages. That’s why this process comes in Technical SEO.

    2. Technical SEO – Robot .txt file

    This is also exactly like XML Sitemap.

    Robot .txt file is also added for Website Level.

    3. Technical SEO – Https Implementation

    Whatever our redirection from Http to Https is done at the website level, then this process also comes under Technical SEO.

    4. Technical SEO – Mobile Responsiveness

    Now see, if we go to check the responsiveness of our website, then in this case we will not check the responsiveness of a particular web page a bit.

    We have to check the mobile responsiveness of the entire website.

    So checking Mobile Responsiveness will also come under Technical SEO.

    5. Technical SEO – Permalink Structure

    Our website should be open on which address out of Http and Https or should it be WWW or not?

    We do this at the website level only, don’t we?

    Therefore this process also comes under Technical SEO.

    Now let’s talk about On-Page SEO. 

    1. On-Page SEO – Title and Description.

    Talking about on-page SEO, the title and description are different for every page or post in it.

    Depends what are the keywords of that page, what is the content, or on which keyword we want to rank them.

    It is talking about a web page, not the pages of the entire website.

    So what kind of optimization was this?

    This happened On-Page Optimization.

    2. On Page SEO – Keywords in H1 & Content.

    Adding Keywords to H1 Heading in a Particular Post and Implementation of Keywords in Content also comes under On-Page SEO.

    3. Images Alt text & Internal Links

    Implementation of image alt text even internal links also comes in on-page SEO.

    So whenever we make changes at the page level, it comes in On-Page SEO.

    So that our posts can be optimized for SEO. This is called On-Page SEO.

    But when we make changes at the level of the website, it is called technical SEO.

    So many beginners are confused in this point that what is On Page SEO and what is Technical SEO.

    And the biggest confusion is that many bloggers consider these two to be the same.

    But you have to understand that On Page SEO and Technical SEO are both different things.

    There is a very common difference between the two, which keeps them close to each other.

    4. Use Primary Keyword in Subheadings

    This is a very important point, whether you write the content of 500 words or 5000 words.

    You must use your primary keyword once in the subheadings of your content.

    for exp:

    Take a look at this post.

    Its primary keyword is on-page SEO, which has been used not only in the title but also in the subheading.

    This indicates to the search engines that there is relevancy in the headline i.e. title and content so that the engines help you in ranking your content.

    You can also use the primary keyword more than once in the subheading but do it naturally and correctly.

    5. Add Relevant External Links.

    Also, add external links to make crawlers understand the topic of your content.

    Now it will come to your mind that why only External Links to explain?

    Look, friends…

    When you add External Links, then something will be related to your post in that content.

    You will not do this at all that you are writing the article On Page SEO in Hindi and you add External Link of Top 5 Places in Dubai.

    In such a situation, the content will become completely irrelevant, then if the user of that website comes to your website, then it will bounce back and your “On Page SEO in Hindi” will also bounce back.

    What is the reason?

    The reason is only one, there will be no relevancy between the two articles, due to which you may have to suffer through Ranking and Traffic.

    So add relevant, valuable, and high-quality sites only. With this, your Ranking, Relevancy, and UserBase will always increase.



    So guys, hope you got to know about the difference between on page SEO vs technical SEO.

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