Reduce The Time Taken To Finish Tasks On Your Mac With These Must-Know Tips


    So, have you been using a Mac for a long time? But did you know there are a few settings and shortcuts that can help reduce the time taken to finish your tasks? If you wish to augment your productivity when working on your Mac system, these tips should come in handy.

    Find anything you want on your Mac by pressing Command + Space

    Tapping Command + Space on your Mac can help you find items easily. Whether you want to get a quick sum or a currency conversion, this shortcut is what you need to remember. You can also use this shortcut to open an app. You can tap it and start typing the currency, item, app name, or sum. You will see it appear in the Spotlight search window.

    It is one of the most effective, simplest, and fastest ways to find whatever you need on your system without wasting your precious time.

    Get the file path to find the document you require quickly

    With time, your Mac system might feel cluttered and filled with many files and documents. It might be difficult to find the document or file you need when you are in a hurry. One of the best ways to reduce the time is to find a document tracing the file path. You can install Path Finder on your system to instantly find what you need and get on with your tasks.

    Learn how to control Finder to save time

    If you spend a lot of time in the Finder Window, it would be best to learn a few shortcuts. When you know the shortcuts, you no longer need to zip between the mouse and keyboard or move between List and Column views.

    When in the Finder window, you can type the following:

    • Open the Icon view by pressing Command + 1
    • Open List view by pressing Command + 2
    • Open Columns view by pressing Command + 3
    • Open the Cover Flow view by pressing Command + 4

    These helpful Finder tips will allow you to quickly work around the program and not waste too much time looking for items.

    Hide the Dock

    The Dock takes up a lot of space, so you can consider hiding it. You do not need the Dock staring at your face because you can use Spotlight to launch apps quickly, the Dock takes up too much space on the screen, and you can make the Dock appear by moving the mouse.

    Utilize the power of multiple desktops

    Mac has multiple desktops that you can use to augment your productivity. If you press Control + Up, Mission Control will open, and it will provide you with an overview of all the current applications. You can add extra desktops by clicking on the large + button at the top of the screen.

    You can have a desktop for each task if it helps you multitask. For instance, you can use one desktop for entertainment, one for writing an article, etc.

    It is not much of a hassle to switch between desktops. You can do so by pressing the Control + right or left arrow.

    Launch programs or apps automatically

    Save precious time by launching the apps or programs you regularly need when you switch on your Mac system. However, ensure not automatically launch too many programs, or your system will become sluggish.

    You can add or edit the auto start-up list by opening System Preferences > choosing Users & Groups > under the Login Items tab. You can add apps by pressing the plus sign and remove apps by pressing the minus sign.

    Adjust the brightness of your screen

    By hitting the shortcut buttons on your keyboard, you can adjust your Mac’s screen brightness. You can bring the brightness up or down. But if you want to do that in smaller increments, you need to press the Shift + Option keys while pressing the brightness buttons.

    Unlock your Mac using your Apple Watch

    Do you have an Apple Watch? If so, you can use it to access your Mac system. When wearing the watch, you can use it to bypass your password-protected system and unlock it.

    You can switch on your computer, go to System Preferences and select Security & Privacy. You need to check the box next to Allow Apple Watch to unlock your Mac under the General tab. Your watch will buzz to confirm the change, and then whenever you turn on your computer, you don’t need to enter the password.

    Summing up

    Are you excited to reduce the time taken to finish your work on your Mac system? You need to follow the tips and hacks mentioned above to accentuate your productivity. These tricks are specifically for users who multitask and are looking for ways to reduce the time taken to finish work.