Tips to Spark Children’s Interest in Science


    Defined by Aristotle as “demonstrative knowledge,” science is present in everything: in the construction of a house, in electronics, in the way we move, and even in food preparation. Thanks to its advances, we now have a longer and better quality of life expectancy.

    The word science (knowledge), which is of Latin origin, represents all the learning achieved through study or practice, seeking to understand the natural laws of life. Science is cumulative because it is an understanding built from another, accumulated throughout life. It involves a lot of research, testing, comparison, measurement, and analysis. Science is taught in schools, and you can help improve your child’s knowledge of the subject by letting them attend events like autumn kids camp in Singapore.

    Why learning science is so important

    Among the recommendations of most education curriculums is scientific literacy, which aims to ensure that students understand and interpret knowledge in different contexts.

    When the child discovers how things arise and work, naturally, he begins to see the world differently. The ability to observe and analyze in detail the transformations that are around you will contribute to the development of an increasingly refined perception, logical reasoning, and especially the ability to gather information to solve problems.

    Studies on the future of professions show that the market will increasingly demand knowledge in science and technology. This reinforces the need to bring children closer to the so-called STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics).

    Tips to increase your child’s interest in science

    To go beyond the already-known educational toys, we selected other playful activities that will contribute to the learning process during childhood.

    Contact with nature and scientific tours

    Contact with nature or a trip to the museum generate important learning opportunities. They are places where the child exercises scientific skills such as observation and investigation. When available, take advantage of the guided excursion to enrich the tour. If your little one asks you something that is also unfamiliar to you, invite them to research together.

    Experiments in the kitchen

    The smell of cake coming out of the oven, bread fermenting, and apple oxidation are some examples of reactions that happen in the kitchen and can be explained by science. Every recipe involves processes and food processing. Therefore, cooking can be an excellent activity for children to learn scientific concepts by getting their hands dirty!

    Educational children’s series

    How about turning the habit of watching series or drawings into a learning moment? The audiovisual can be a great ally. A perfect example of a show that can help your child develop an interest in the subject is The Magic School Bus Rides Again on Netflix. Reviving the classic 1994 series, this new version of The Magic Bus brings together a group of curious students who Professor Frizzle will guide on fun scientific tours.


    Reading has the potential to help children’s emotional and intellectual development. Some of the books we recommend include The Big Book of Science – Handbook of the World and Awesome Science Experiments for Kids: 100+ Fun Steam Projects and Why They Work!

    YouTube channels

    YouTube has already become the leading social network for those looking for knowledge. Some of the best YouTube channels for your kids to learn science and develop an interest in the subject include Ryan’s World, Science Max, and Cool Science Experiments Headquarters.