Things Nobody Tells You About Postpartum


    Pregnancy and giving birth aren’t exactly easy. They’re some of the most difficult times in a woman’s life. But the part after? That’s even harder. Postpartum refers to the period after your baby is born. It is physically and mentally exhausting and can often make you feel like you’re terrible at being a mother. In worst cases, women also undergo depression, feeling hopeless and disconnected to their babies. During this period, a lot of things happen to your body. As such, it’s always better to be in the know-how, so when the time comes, you know exactly what to do! Here are some things you might not know about postpartum:

    1.  Changes in Figure

    It is important for you to understand that your body took nine months to give birth, and for you to go back to your pre-pregnancy figure as soon as you’ve pushed the baby out isn’t exactly possible. If you’re someone who’s always been careful and conscious of your weight, looking like you’re still pregnant after giving birth can be hard. But don’t worry! Give your body a few months to go back to its old position. You can also do mild exercises to aid the process. Be patience, and go easy on yourself.

    2.  Stretch Marks and C-Section Scars

    Stretch marks are something women are aware of, but they can still be unpleasant to look at. Similarly, a c-section scar can make you feel like you’re less desirable. But instead of thinking about your scars as demeaning, think of them as badges of honor! They’re reminders of an important period of your life, and are going to take time to fade. If you are too bothered, you can visit a dermatologist and get recommendations on scar creams to speed up the process!

    3.  Skin and Hair Changes

    Your figure isn’t the only thing that’s gonna change. After giving birth, it is possible for your skin to appear dull and your hair to lose volume and change texture. This can be because of breastfeeding, or a decrease in your estrogen levels. But again, remember that these changes do not last forever, and that things should go back to normal after a few months. To make the transition easier, you can invest in good skincare and haircare products and remain consistent with your routine.

    4.  Changes in Menstrual Cycle

    It is a known fact that women bleed for around forty days after giving birth. But what you might not know is that your menstrual cycle can also change a little. Your bleeding can get heavy or light, and you might menstruate for more or less days than you used to. These changes are part of the process, so there isn’t anything to be afraid of. However, to be on the safe side make sure that your Gynecologist in Lahore knows what is happening so that they can warn you about anything strange or abnormal.

    5.  Bladder Problems

    During postpartum, your bladder can develop a mind of its own. Some mothers have stated that all the stretching can result in “stress incontinence”. This means that your bladder can release some urine when you’re running, exercising, or even laughing. On the other hand, you can also go for long hours without needing to pee. Similarly, research reveals that postpartum can result in constipation, but with enough time, it should get better.

    6.  Vaginal Tearing

    In a number of cases, the vagina can tear during labor, resulting in stitches. Afterwards, it can remain tender so you have to be careful at all times for it to heal properly. If the stitches tear, it can get really painful and dangerous, so make sure to visit a Gynecologist in Karachi if anything like this happens. You can also do a couple exercises to speed up the healing process.

    7.  The Attention is on the Baby

    Although this isn’t really ideal, it is still the truth. You’ve gone through a tough process, and are trying to adjust to everything. In the midst of all this, you might notice that everyone, including your spouse, is focused on the baby and not you, which can make you feel neglected. If this is the case, have a talk with them, and make sure they know what you need. Most importantly, care for yourself and give yourself the time to recover.