3 Major Culture Risks When Hiring at Scale And How To Address Them


    The unemployment rate keeps increasing in most countries, and that has prompted many to go into entrepreneurship. The number of start-up businesses worldwide has increased dramatically since the pandemic.

    The majority of the businesses that survived the pandemic learned a great deal from the occurrence, which is venturing into new territories and scaling up the workforce, but is there any new development in the business without any risk? I doubt that.

    What Are The 3 Culture Risk When Hiring At Scale And What Can Be Done To Address Them

    Scaling up is a risk worth taking for businesses because, without it, your business will have very little chance of surviving in the competitive market. When hiring at scale, not focusing on one territory can be an effective way of mitigating the risk associated with business culture. When next you’re hiring, think of hiring globally.

    Hiring foreign employees has been made easy using employer of record to scale up the workforce. With this, your business can boast capable hands from different parts of the world to tackle different problems at the organization.

    New People Hiring New People

    This is one of the risks to a business’ culture. Today, we have many start-ups that are growing at a swift pace hence the need to scale up real quick to stay ahead in the business market.

    What these start-ups do is that they hire managers and directors who will also be instructed to hire people — this is where the problem lies; it is in every organization or company’s interest to hire only competent employees.

    Irrespective of how competent your new employees are, they should be given time to acclimatize themselves to the environment and culture of the organization, especially when you are hiring globally.

    Instructing new employees to make hiring more people their utmost priority might be disastrous to the company’s growth since all employees will need time to adjust to their new working environment.

     So, how do you mitigate the risk associated with new people hiring new people?

    Firstly, all your new managers, directors, or team leaders should undergo rigorous interview sessions to boost their experience. Once they are hired, they must be trained by experts on hiring more competent employees.

    Secondly, give the new directors, managers, and team leaders enough time to study how the organization works; this will go a long way in helping them understand the mission and vision of the organization better, and hence it will make a major difference when they are hiring themselves.

    Same People Hiring The Same People

    Another major thing that poses a risk to business culture is the same people hiring the same set of people. For every manager, director, and team leader that you employ, look out for the “yes-man” syndrome.

    What is the yes-man syndrome, you ask? This is when an employee finds it hard to challenge opinions that might lead to the business’ downfall. Such employees want to please everyone, but they end up hurting the growth of the organization.

    Employees who suffer from the “yes-man” will likely have affinity biases. Such employees will hire new employees who think and act like them, creating more risk for the organization. The same people will keep hiring the same people for your company when scaling up.

    So, do you address the risk associated with the same people hiring the same people?

    It is incumbent on all business owners to have weekly or monthly meetings to gather ideas on how to move the organization forward. Such meetings can serve as a medium to solve the issue of the same people hiring the same people.

    It should be communicated to the hiring managers that the case of homogeneity should be abolished — the organization needs different profiles to tackle different problems if the same people keep hiring the same people who will solve the different problems?

    Same People Hiring New People

    Most companies that have existed for decades and are still in business now have a strong recruiter who keeps evolving with the world. For most companies that are just embracing technology, using the same hiring manager that recruited old staff might prove abortive.

    If such a recruiter doesn’t skill up to understand how that business these days requires different profiles with soft skills then, we are looking at another culture risk. So, how do you address this risk?

    You provide adequate training for your recruiter; use innovative methods for the recruiter to recognize great talent.

    Change the way you hire employees; think of more ways like scouting schools and using targeted advertisements. These will go a long way in hiring new profiles that are fit for your company’s growth.


    While scaling up, have a clear goal of why you want to scale up. Is it for the growth of the company? If yes, then invest in your recruiters first. An investment in yourself and your business gives a high profit.

    Lastly, put all the necessary things in place before scaling up the workforce. With these, you will have very little or no risk in hiring the best employees.