Does Consuming Kratom Violate Doping Guidelines?


    Does consuming Kratom violate doping guidelines? It is a question people ask themselves and one that mainstream media sources have recently brought up. Many people who get into the habit of consuming this herbal substance believe it will be their ticket to athletic success, but is that the case?

    With Kratom gaining more and more popularity, it is hard to find an unbiased opinion on whether or not consuming Kratom violates the rules of using a banned substance.

    While some athletes consume the best Kratom for energy and to improve their performance and other health benefits, others have alleged that consuming Kratom violates the World Anti-Doping Agency’s guidelines.

    Many athletes have been using this plant-based supplement to increase their endurance before competitions so they can compete at a level they’ve never reached before. So, let’s get started! This blog article will discuss whether taking Kratom or consuming Kratom falls under doping.

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    Defining Kratom

    Kratom is a psychoactive plant found in Southeast Asia used in traditional medicine to treat various disorders and ailments. The plant primarily grows in the region’s trees, contains alkaloids, including mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine.

    The effects of Kratom are kind of similar to the impact of opiate and synthetic opioid drugs. It is one of the powerful stimulant herbs on earth. Many people seek an alternative to the discomfort of opiate drugs. Heroin addiction treatment and detoxification are brutal.

    It has been gaining popularity lately as it eliminates the need for painkillers. The leaves have a sweet taste, so they are mostly chewed fresh, although you can brew these crushed leaves into a tea or smoked. The drug from Kratom is called Mitragyna Speciosa (literally “kratom tree”) or simply ‘Kratom.’ Kratom has been used for centuries as a ceremonial drug in Thailand to better moods, to wean people off opiates, and promote work performance.

    Taking A Look At The Doping Guidelines For Athletes

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    The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is a non-profit organization that develops and enforces the international anti-doping code. Their guidelines stipulate that athletes are not allowed to take any substance or form of medication in athletic performance. They also state that athletes cannot use recreational drugs or supplements as they may be illegal substances.

    Doping is a form of cheating, and the athlete who does it must accept that. They only can escape from the sport by withdrawing or losing. As an athlete, you must stay ahead of others; know your own body and what you can take without any ill effect on your health, and how much you can take before it starts to affect you.

    Furthermore, they do not allow athletes to take any substances or medications banned by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). The drug testing methods are also different throughout various sports, ranging from urine testing (easily detectable) to blood testing, which is harder to detect. Blood samples will be collected at competitions to analyze WADA’s anti-doping laboratories to prove a positive doping test.

    Why It Came Into Effect?

    While many famous athletes have taken drugs to enhance performance, the recent spate of positive “doping” cases among professional athletes has brought these substances into the spotlight. The prevalence of use in sports has also raised significant concerns about the long-term damage that some drugs may be causing. As a result, several countries, including the United States, Australia, and Canada, have introduced mandatory bans on some banned substances.

    There are various causes to explain why athletes’ doping is on the increase.

    1. The first cause talks about how many countries have banned or severely restricted drug use and their athletes. In addition, there is high competition in all sports now, with more tournaments and competitions conducted in just a few years. When an athlete is exposed to a prohibited substance and does not possess any performance-enhancing power, it shows that there is little gain from taking the drug.

    2. The second cause has to do with prize money that they get in higher amounts than ever before. Athletes are therefore looking for the chance to improve their performance. It will help them win more prizes and make more profits for themselves.

    The doping problem is widespread in sports, but the issue is common in Olympic sports. It has become a growing political and social issue, especially with doping becoming less successful.

    Sports are under greater public scrutiny than ever before. And the public demands that athletes be held accountable for their actions and are not allowed to cheat. It is why drugs testing was brought into practice, to protect the integrity of sport and ensure that it remains fair for all competitors.

    Does Consuming Kratom Violate Doping Guidelines?

    Doping uses performance-enhancing substances or techniques in sport for a competitive advantage. Most sports federations have banned doping and have caused severe consequences in some cases.

    It makes the mind work differently than other drugs and can be more addictive for some people (though milder than alcohol and tobacco). It depends on whether you are an athlete or a recreational user. Not all sports require the use of Kratom, so in that regard, it does not violate any professional sports’ drug testing protocols. Kratom is also not banned by any professional athletic association.

    The International Olympic Committee decided to ban Kratom because it contains alkaloid mitragynine, a psychoactive chemical. The banning of this plant has made it difficult for athletes who wish to use Kratom as an alternative method of pain management and energy source.

    So, in short,

    1. According to WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency), Kratom should not be used by athletes due to its use of the cathinone family of chemicals in its leaves. While it has some medical uses for pain relief and anti-addiction, there are better alternatives for both.

    2. As for substances banned by USADA (United States Anti-Doping Agency), Kratom does not meet their definition of a stimulant as it has no amphetamine or phenylethylamine alkaloids in its leaves.


    Kratom is a popular natural powdered plant. Many people use it for relieving pain and boosting energy. They also use Kratom as an alternative to opioids and other painkillers, but it may be more dangerous than previously thought. The World Anti-Doping Agency, or WADA, recently banned Kratom as a controlled substance because of its ability to have similar effects to opiates and because it could be performance-enhancing for athletes.

    The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), the United States Anti-Doping Agency, and the Food and Drug Administration have all issued statements on Kratom. They all say they did not ban it as a drug, but it doesn’t mean it is safe to use when you want to stay in the competition. When taking Kratom, you are essentially putting yourself at risk for other drugs or substances.


    Please understand that any advice or guidelines revealed here in this article are not even remotely a substitute for sound medical advice from a licensed healthcare provider. Make sure to consult with a professional physician before making any purchasing decision if you use medications or have concerns following the review details shared above. Individual results may vary as the statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA–approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.